Can you believe we are now into March! February was an eventful month in the Jenkins family calendar!
It started off on the 3rd with my birthday! This year my birthday was spent looking after 2 sicky boys that week! Eli was sick then Paul took it real bad, as did his mum, dad & brother. Praise God wee Eva & I escaped it. So that was all fun!! However, I did receive a gorgeous big bunch of flowers to the door from paul, from his sick bed (with a little help from a special friend!!)
Then on 12th, our precious baby daughter Eva was dedicated. We are so thankful & blessed to have shared that occasion with our families & church family. Eva did brilliant, snuggling into Pastor Jeff as he prayed! She really is a cutie! Big brother Eli did amazing too, just taking it all in his stride.
14th was, of course, valentines day. We never do anything big on valentines day. I’m so glad I know I’m loved everyday & not just one day a year. Have to admit tho, I do like getting my wee card! 
Another big thing in February was our 5th wedding anniversary on the 17th! We can’t believe we are married 5 years & been in our wee house 5 years. These have been the best, amazing, eventful 5 years of our lives & we wouldn’t change it for the world. We have been blessed with a home & 2 precious children (plus loads loads more!). I have been truly blessed with an amazing husband whom I love more & more each day. I am proud to call him my husband & the father of our children. I thank God for him everyday.
Then last but by no means least was Passion 2012!! I was blessed to have got the chance to go to our women’s conference at church & sit under teaching from Pastor Donna Crouch, Lorraine Wright & Pastor Jeff. I was so so in need of this break away to get spiritually fed, spent a bit of time with my girlfriends & actually sit & drink a full cup of coffee without having to run after 2 kiddies!! I loved that I could walk away from home, leaving Eli & Eva with Paul & knowing they were being looked after 100% by their daddy, no worries at all.
Passion was fabulous, excited for next year & excited to hear our Lorraine Wright before then!! Love this lady, blessed to know her.
So that was our February, quite eventful & busy but great!! Here’s to another exciting month in March!!